Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Debut Albums and High Social Status Essay

Different people have different ambitions. I have many ambitions in my life. Some want to be rich. Some wish to become leaders of the country to gain honor. Some desire to be great scientists. There are others who are mainly led by a spirit of adventure. The latest craze among young boys and girls is to go to foreign countries. Their aim in life is to earn a lot of money within a short period. I am a human being. I too have my own ambition. My ambition in life is not wealth, power or high social status. I am too modest a young man to aim at any of these things. My ambitions are simple enough. My first ambition is the service of the poor and the down-trodden. My heart weeps at the sight of people in trouble. I do my best to help those who need my help. And what a joy it is to me to find that I have been of service to someone. To work for others gives me a sort of peace of mind. My second ambition in life is to become a good, hardworking and an honest engineer. Different people have different ambitions. I have many ambitions in my life. Some want to be rich. Some wish to become leaders of the country to gain honor. My ambition in life is not wealth, power or high social status. I am too modest a young man to aim at any of these things. My ambitions are simple enough. My first ambition is the service of the poor and the down-trodden. My heart weeps at the sight of people in trouble. I do my best to help those who need my help. And what a joy it is to me to find that I have been of service to someone. To work for others gives me a sort of peace of mind. My second ambition in life is to become a good, hardworking and an honest engineer.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Frankenstein: Nature vs Nurture

Twins are commonly used to study the effects of nature versus nurture. Ones immediate surroundings define who they become later on in life. The environment plays a huge role in the development of humanity through cultivating personality, character, beliefs, and many different aspects in a person’s life. Different environmental influences provide for a variety of people. In terms of the literary selection Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the author’s view on Nature vs.Nurture is that the development of an individual revolves around nature. Firstly, the creature conceals wantonly emotions due to the flagrant mistreatment of society. Frankenstein exclaims â€Å"The love of another will destroy the cause of my crimes, and I shall become a thing of whose existence everyone will be ignorant† (Shelley 106). If someone is being shown love and kindness, they will be prone to reciprocate these emotions.As Frankenstein is persuading Victor to create him a female he commiserate s with humanity exclaiming, â€Å"I shall feel the affections of a sensitive being and become linked to the chain of existence and events, from which I am now excluded† (Shelley 106). Long term advantages for learning behavior and for the development of physical and mental health are obtained through stabilizing secure, receptive, and nourishing relationships. The creature learns this is early on in life which is beneficial, so he can carry out illustrious and consistent acts which is the key sustaining the foundation of a prevailing lifestyle.At first, the creature is destitute in expressing himself, however as he matures, he is able to manifest dissimilar emotions. Frankenstein verbally analyzes himself through concluding, â€Å"I am malicious because I am miserable. Am I not shunned and hated by all mankind† (Shelley 104). Learning through the acts of society and constantly being around certain attitudes attaches to the creature’s senses and he adapts. By vir tue of observing and grasping certain ideals of life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Buying behavior, TV advertisements, ethical and unethical.

â€Å"Advertising perception has a significant impact on consumers’ intention to reject the products and the brand† (Chan et al, 2007). The marketers around the world use different kinds of promotion techniques as a tool of conveying the message about their products or services to the target consumers. Marketers tend to believe that all consumers around the world have similar needs as well as desires and that the global market is growing increasingly homogeneous (Chan et al, 2007). Therefore they try to capture the market through advertising without considering what customers expect from the firms. Due to the rapid growth in the media, all most all firms use TV as their media of promotion to grasp the target market. The Sri Lankan structure of advertising industry is also affected by globalization. At present, there are number of private and government advertising companies inSri Lanka. The advertising companies are also affected by the local FMCG companies. Due to the arising completion, companies should involve in vast promotions in order to capture the market before their competitors. It is believed that there is a relationship between TV promotions and buying behavior of consumers. In order to identify what the customer expects from marketers, it’s vital to carry out a research on how ethical and unethical TV advertisements affect on consumer buying behavior in FMCG industry inSri Lanka? 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT How ethical and unethical TV advertisements affect on consumer buying behavior in FMCG industry in Sri Lanka 1.3 PROBLEM JUSTIFICATION The companies that are operating in the FMCG industry inSri Lankashould focus on increasing their sales through identifying their customer expectations. Today almost all the organization around the world, use TV advertisements as a way of conveying the message about their product to the target market. Therefore it is important for marketers to identify the consumer perception about ethical and unethical TV advertisements and its impact on the company sales. Most of the companies do not analyze their customer expectations before they telecast their advertisements on TV. This has created a contradictory situation in the society which may result in negative perceptions about the product which is promoted through the advertisement. R.C. Earnest (2007), who conducted a research on ethnically targeted advertising, has found that â€Å"there were negative attitudinal, emotional, and behavioral reactions by those who are not targeted, which may result in a drop of sales.† With the arising competition, it’s important for organizations to find out the ways and means of satisfying customers in order to make the existing customer retain with the company and attract new customers through vast promotions. The level of understanding of what local customer expect from the marketers when they are doing their promotions through television is, questionable. It is important for organizations to understand and examine the impact of TV advertisements on consumer buying behavior in order to be successful in the future. 1.4 OBJECTIVES To identify how consumers react to unethical and ethical TV advertisements done by FMCG industry inSri Lanka. To find out the impact on buying behavior of the consumers depending on the ethicality and unethicality of the TV advertisements. To find out the relationship between different types of advertisements and buying behavior To find out what type of advertisements attracts more customers towards the product. To recommend alterations to enhance the quality of suitable TV advertisements inSri Lanka. 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Companies The buying behavior of the consumers would be analyzed with regard to the TV advertisements done by companies who are operating in the FMCG industry inSri Lanka. This study will enable the companies to understand their consumers and plan their future promotions in a way in which it will increase customers’ satisfaction. The study also emphasis on possible consequences that may arise in the long run if the company target only one ethnic or religious group in their advertisements. It will also enable the companies to get an idea about the effectiveness of using Indian and other foreign TV advertisements in Sri Lankan context. As this study enables to indentify customer’s perception of the ethical and unethical advertisements, the companies would be able to fulfill customer expectations by providing what customers perceive as ethical. It will create positive attitudes towards the product and the company, ensuring their sales would not drop as a result of an unethical advertisement. Consumers As the study focuses on customer perception regarding ethical and unethical advertisements, the customers will be able to watch TV advertisements without feeling uneasy and embarrassed and they wouldn’t become offended regarding controversial advertisements Further as the production of unethical advertisements diminishes due to the awareness created among the advertising firms through the study and the consumer would be able to grasp the exact message which the company wishes to deliver to the customers when the advertisement is devoid of unethical content. The study will provide an opportunity for the customers to express their views on ethical and unethical TV advertisements. Advertising firms As the study provides details regarding the factors that should be considered when producing TV advertisements for Sri Lankan audience, the advertisement firms will be benefited in terms of understanding the target audience and to be more responsible about the content of the advertisements. The study will specify on what is ethical and what is unethical in terms of customer perspective, which should be the main concern of the advertising firms. Through the provided recommendations the firms can improve the quality of their advertisements, meeting customer expectations which will enable them to serve the society better. 1.6 SCOPE AND THE LIMITATIONS OF THE STDY. Limitation associated with this study begins with the nature of sample, which are the working women in selected areas whose minimum educational level would be the completion of GCE (A/L) and the advertisements done by companies who are operating in the FMCG sector inSri Lankawithin the time period of 2007-2008. The above mentioned sample is selected based on following assumptions: As the society acceptance is more towards the working females, the data gathered through them would be more reliable. Minimum educational level is specified considering the fact that they are knowledgeable enough to distinguish what is ethical and unethical. Further the selected area would beColombomunicipal council and the time period is specified due to time limitation and ease of data gathering. The study is carried out considering only a group of customers which might cause biasness in the findings. Selection of TV as media of advertising and FMCG industry are limiting the study to one particular sector. CHAPTER 2 2.1LITERATURE â€Å"Ethics of advertising intends to ensure that advertisers and consumers co-exist without being harmed by the messages of advertisements.† Ethical advertising provides information regarding the product without harming any parties involved as well as people who watch.â€Å"Unethical advertising, by contrast, deceives consumers by concealing significant facts about a product or service.† Unethical do not satisfy the interests and expectations of the consumers (AcaDemon, 2008) 2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW Numbers of researches around the world have carried out research to find out if there exists a relationship between TV advertisements and the buying behavior. Implications for the Western World It is interesting to observe that TV advertisements have an impact on the Buying behaviors of the New Zealandcustomers. A group of researchers who carried out a research â€Å"to examine what influences perceptions of infomercial advertising effectiveness among a sample of actual infomercial buyers† (Martin et al, 2002), have found that the consumers included in the sample which was 2,670 customers who had bought one of six different products advertised within two weeks, has admitted that the infomercial advertisements (Appendix 1) had been effective in getting them to buy the product (Martin et al, 2002). Unlike most researchers, this group has identified a relationship between a demographic factor which is age and the buying behavior of the consumers. According to the findings of Martine et al, (2002) age impacted how consumers view infomercials, as did the product type purchased. Hypotheses Ho1 and Ha1 were developed according to the findings of this study. Barrio-Garcia Luque- Martinez (2003) who conducted a research inSpainhad focused on a different aspect of advertising. In contrast to the above mentioned group, this group has selected the comparative advertising in order to find out the relationship between TV advertisements and buying behavior of the consumers. The study was carried out on the objective of â€Å"to provide marketing professionals with a theoretical outline that will allow them to understand the persuasive mechanism that underlies comparative advertising effectiveness, helping them in their marketing decision-making processes† (Barrio-Garcia Luque- Martinez, 2003). Comparing to the above group, this group had identified a negative relationship between advertisements and buying behavior of the consumers. The findings of the study states that, â€Å"increase in comparative advertising intensity negatively affect towards the brands advertised and also purchase intensions† (Barrio-Garcia Luque- Martinez , 2003). In order to gather data, they have used relatively a small sample which consisted of 720 consumers selected from four geographical areas ofSpain. The finding of this study was utilized in order to develop Hypotheses Ho2 and Ha2. Petrovici Marinov (2007), two British researchers have also concentrated on how TV advertisements affect on buying behavior of the consumers. They have used a different approach to attempt the research objective which is â€Å"to explore the relationship between determinants and primary antecedents of advertising and attitudes to advertising in the context of European Union accession countries† (Petrovici Marinov, 2007). Even though the sample selected was small (797 respondents) comparing to New Zealand researches (sample of 2,670 respondents), this group has selected their sample from two different countries (Romania and Bulgaria) which helps to broaden their study further and their findings are more reliable as they have conducted face-to-face interviews with the respondents. It is proved that brand recognition and acquisition can be achieved through realistic, truthful and fair advertising (Petrovici Marinov, 2007). Hypotheses Ho3, Ha3 and Ho4, Ha4 were developed in rel ation to the findings of this study. Romani (2006) who conducted the research inItalyhas used different types of variables compared to other western researches to test the relationship between TV advertisements and buying behavior. The variables used in this study were, willingness to buy the advertised product, trustworthiness towards the source of information and completeness or clarity of price information contained in the advertisement. The researcher has used qualitative and experimental studies in order to identify the misleading price communication strategies and consumer response to those advertisements. The respondents sample were very small (480) compared to above mentioned studies which is a drawback of the study. The conclusions drawn from the study show that there is a negative relationship between price misleading advertisements and the customer’s willingness to buy and there is a positive relationship between trustworthiness towards the source of information. The objective of the study was to †Å"investigate consumers’ reactions to advertisements containing misleading information on price† (Romani, 2006). Development of hypotheses Ho5, Ha5 and Ho6, Ha6 were based on the findings of this study. Implications for Asian countries According to R.C. Earnest (2007), â€Å"Unintended audiences often view advertisements targeted at other groups and make decisions regarding the advertisement, brand and company behind the advertising which affect future consumer behavior†. The objective of the study was â€Å"to extend current knowledge on advertising effects on those not targeted by noting unintended consequences on attitudinal, emotional and behavioral reactions† R.C. Earnest (2007). A similar type of sample which Petrovici Marinov (2007), used in their study was utilized in order to gather data. Instead of selecting the sample from two countries, R.C. Earnest (2007) has selected the sample from two distinct ethnic groups (Malay and Chinese) inKuala Lumpur,Malaysia. A fair number of respondents (200 Chinese and 199 Malays) were selected from each group and data were gathered by means of a questionnaire which was based on fiction advertisements targeted at dominant and non- dominant ethnic groups inM alaysia. Hypotheses Ho7 and Ha7 were developed on the basis of findings of this study. Chan McNeal (2003) have concentrated on an atypical aspect of how TV advertisements influence on buying behavior of the consumers. They have emphasized on parent- child communications about consumption and advertising which distinguish their study from the others. Comparatively a large sample (1,665) of parents with children aged 6 to 14 were selected from 3 cities inChinaand a questionnaire is being distributed in order to gather data. Out of all the findings of their study most relevant finding to the current study is that, pluralistic and consensual parents take their children’s opinions about advertisements in to consideration when consuming certain products. Implications for neighbor country A study conducted by Fam Grosh (2007) has derived an interesting finding from the data they gathered using 1,000 urban young adults. Even the sample selected was relatively low compared to theMartin et al’s, (2002) study, the sample was drawn from five Asian countries includingIndia. The method that they have used to gather data was telephone interviews which distinguish this study from the above mentioned studies. The respondents were questioned on their thoughts about the TV advertisements that they liked, product that was being advertised and purchase intensions. The objective of the study was â€Å"to examine likeable executional techniques in advertising across five Asian countries and their impact on purchase intension† (Fam Grosh, 2007). The researchers found that unlike in the all other four countries India is the only country where the respondents’ react for the likeable executional tools and likeable attributes such as soft sell and relevant to me, ha s positively affected the respondents’ decision to buy more of a product/ brand after they exposure to the advertisement (Fam Grosh, 2007). Further most interesting finding of the study is that unlike in other countries Indian customers have responded negatively to advertisements in which children misbehave. Hypotheses Ho8 and 8were constructed with relevant to the findings of this study. Above discussed literature illustrates that advertisements have a significant impact on consumer buying behavior. CHAPTER 3 3.1 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The following variables are derived from the literature provided in chapter 2. Independent Variables Dependent Variables 3.2 HYPOTHESES Ho1: There is no relationship between infomercial advertisements and buying behavior. Ha1: There is a relationship between infomercial advertisements and buying behavior. Ho2: There is no relationship between Comparative Advertisements and buying behavior. Ha2: There is a relationship between Comparative Advertisements and buying behavior. Ho3: There is no relationship between Realistic Advertisements and buying behavior. Ha3: There is a relationship between Realistic Advertisements and buying behavior. Ho4: There is a negative relationship between Truthfulness of the information provided and thebuying behavior. Ha4: There is a positive relationship between Truthfulness of the information provided and thebuying behavior. H05: There is no relationship between Trustworthiness of the source and buying behavior. Ha5: There is a relationship between Trustworthiness of the source and buying behavior. Ho6: There is no relationship between Price misleading advertisements and buying behavior. Ha6: There is a relationship between Price misleading advertisements and buying behavior Ho7: There is a negative relationship between ethnically targeted advertisements and buying behavior. Ha7: There is a positive relationship between ethnically targeted advertisements and buying behavior. Ho8: There is a negative relationship between Children misbehaved advertisements and buying behavior. Ha8: There is a positive relationship between Children misbehaved advertisements and buying behavior. 3.3 METHODOLOGY Population, sampling and statistical approach will be discussed under this topic. 3.4 POPULATION AND SAMPLE. Selected population for in order to gather data is working women inColombodistrict with a minimum education level of G.C.E (A/L). Below diagram elaborates the selection of sample. The sampling method adapted is a proportionate probability area sampling technique. Where the selected sample of individuals was chosen based on their geographical location (Colombo District) and were further chosen based on if they were employed and had completed the G.C.E (A/L). Since the sample is larger than 35, hence, this can be categorized as a parametric test. Note: – 16.7% is the whole Female, employed and above G.C.E (A/L) rate 19,886,000 is the whole Sri Lankan population 2,421,000 is the wholeColombodistrict population 647,100 is the whole population ofColombomunicipal council 210,546 is the whole population of Dehiwala municipal council 117,563 is the whole population of Moratuwa municipal council 116366 is the whole population of Sri Jayewardenepura municipal council 3.5 STATISTICAL APPROCH According to the table provided in the Appendix 1, multiple regression analysis should be used to analyze data. Further Martine et al. (2002) also have used the multiple regression method to analyze data in their study. In order to gather data five point Likert scale would be adapted as previous researches, Chan McNeal (2003) and Martin et al (2002) have also used the same scale to gather data. CHAPTER 4 4.1 CONCLUSION The proposed study analyzes the impact of ethical and unethical TV advertisements on buying behavior of the consumers in FMCG industry inSri Lanka. Further the study analyses the relationship of how different types of TV advertisements affect on the buying behavior of the consumers using a sample of 104 working women inColombodistrict who have completed A/L examination. Literature review of the current study provides sufficient evidence of past researches which have discussed the similar relationships between the variables selected. Further the study enables the marketers to understand the customer well and as a result they will be able to fulfill consumer expectations through their advertisements. References Chan et al. 2007, ‘Consumers response to offensive advertising: a cross cultural study’, International Marketing Review, vol.24, no.5, pp.606-628. R.C. Earnest 2007, ‘Ethnically targeted advertising views of those not targeted’, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing, vol.19, no.3, pp.265-285. Martin et al. 2002, ‘Infomercials and advertising effectiveness: an empirical study’, Journal of consumer marketing, vol.19, no.6, pp.468-480. Barrio-Garcia Luque- Martinez 2003, ‘Modeling consumer response to differing levels of comparative advertising’, European Journal of Marketing, vol.37, no.1/2, pp.256-274. Petrovici Marinov 2007, ‘Determinants and antecedents of general attitudes towards advertising’, European Journal of Marketing, vol.41, no.3/4, pp.307-326. Romani 2006, ‘Price misleading advertising: effects on trustworthiness toward the source of information and willingness to buy’, Journal of product and brand management, vol.15, no.2, pp.130-138. Chan McNeal 2003, ‘Parent-child communications about consumption and advertising in China’, Journal of consumer marketing, vol.20, no.4, pp.317-334. Fam Grosh 2007, ‘Cultural values and effective executional techniques in advertising’, International Marketing Review, vol.24, no.5, pp.519-638. City population 2008, Sri Lanka , [Online], Available: [Accessed 3rd December 2008] Department of Census statistics 2006, Bulletin of Labor Force Statistics, [Online], Available: [Accessed 3rd December 2008] AcaDemon 2008, ‘Papers on Ethical Advertising and similar term paper topics’, [Online], Available: [Accessed 10th December 2008] Appendix (Statistical Approach) INDEPENDENT VARIABLE DATA TYPEDEPENDENT VARIABLE DATA TYPE:Buying behaviorSELECTED STATISTICAL METHOD INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 1:Infomercial advertisementsIntervalInterval Multiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE2:Comparative advertisementsInterval IntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE3:Realistic advertisements IntervalIntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE4:Truthfulness of the information providedIntervalIntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 5:Trustworthiness of the source IntervalIntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 6:Price misleading advertisements. IntervalIntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 7: Ethnically targeted advertisements IntervalIntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 8: Children’s misbehave advertisements IntervalIntervalMultiple Regression Appendix 2 (Operationalisation) Types of variables Measurement Questions/ Description Type of Data Independent Variables Infomercial advertisementsLikert ScaleI feel that infomercial advertisements make me buy the product compared to other advertisements.Interval Comparative advertisementsLikert ScaleComparative advertisements annoy meInterval Realistic AdvertisementsLikert ScaleI feel that realistic advertisements convince me more to buy the advertised product.Interval Truthfulness of the information provided in the advertisementsLikert ScaleI tend to purchase the product if the advertised information is trustworthy.Interval Trustworthiness of the sourceLikert ScaleI believe that TV advertisements are more reliable than other sources.Interval Price misleading advertisementsLikert ScalePrice misleading advertisements makes me reconsider when buying the relevant product.Interval Ethnically target advertisementsLikert ScaleAdvertisements targeting an ethnic group discourage me to purchase the product.Interval Children misbehave in advertisementsLikert ScaleI reject buying products that are advertised using children’s misbehaviour.Interval Dependant Variable Buying BehaviourLikert ScaleTelevision advertisements encourage me to buy the relevant products.Interval Buying behavior, TV advertisements, ethical and unethical. â€Å"Advertising perception has a significant impact on consumers’ intention to reject the products and the brand† (Chan et al, 2007). The marketers around the world use different kinds of promotion techniques as a tool of conveying the message about their products or services to the target consumers. Marketers tend to believe that all consumers around the world have similar needs as well as desires and that the global market is growing increasingly homogeneous (Chan et al, 2007). Therefore they try to capture the market through advertising without considering what customers expect from the firms. Due to the rapid growth in the media, all most all firms use TV as their media of promotion to grasp the target market. The Sri Lankan structure of advertising industry is also affected by globalization. At present, there are number of private and government advertising companies inSri Lanka. The advertising companies are also affected by the local FMCG companies. Due to the arising completion, companies should involve in vast promotions in order to capture the market before their competitors. It is believed that there is a relationship between TV promotions and buying behavior of consumers. In order to identify what the customer expects from marketers, it’s vital to carry out a research on how ethical and unethical TV advertisements affect on consumer buying behavior in FMCG industry inSri Lanka? 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT How ethical and unethical TV advertisements affect on consumer buying behavior in FMCG industry in Sri Lanka 1.3 PROBLEM JUSTIFICATION The companies that are operating in the FMCG industry inSri Lankashould focus on increasing their sales through identifying their customer expectations. Today almost all the organization around the world, use TV advertisements as a way of conveying the message about their product to the target market. Therefore it is important for marketers to identify the consumer perception about ethical and unethical TV advertisements and its impact on the company sales. Most of the companies do not analyze their customer expectations before they telecast their advertisements on TV. This has created a contradictory situation in the society which may result in negative perceptions about the product which is promoted through the advertisement. R.C. Earnest (2007), who conducted a research on ethnically targeted advertising, has found that â€Å"there were negative attitudinal, emotional, and behavioral reactions by those who are not targeted, which may result in a drop of sales.† With the arising competition, it’s important for organizations to find out the ways and means of satisfying customers in order to make the existing customer retain with the company and attract new customers through vast promotions. The level of understanding of what local customer expect from the marketers when they are doing their promotions through television is, questionable. It is important for organizations to understand and examine the impact of TV advertisements on consumer buying behavior in order to be successful in the future. 1.4 OBJECTIVES To identify how consumers react to unethical and ethical TV advertisements done by FMCG industry inSri Lanka. To find out the impact on buying behavior of the consumers depending on the ethicality and unethicality of the TV advertisements. To find out the relationship between different types of advertisements and buying behavior To find out what type of advertisements attracts more customers towards the product. To recommend alterations to enhance the quality of suitable TV advertisements inSri Lanka. 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Companies The buying behavior of the consumers would be analyzed with regard to the TV advertisements done by companies who are operating in the FMCG industry inSri Lanka. This study will enable the companies to understand their consumers and plan their future promotions in a way in which it will increase customers’ satisfaction. The study also emphasis on possible consequences that may arise in the long run if the company target only one ethnic or religious group in their advertisements. It will also enable the companies to get an idea about the effectiveness of using Indian and other foreign TV advertisements in Sri Lankan context. As this study enables to indentify customer’s perception of the ethical and unethical advertisements, the companies would be able to fulfill customer expectations by providing what customers perceive as ethical. It will create positive attitudes towards the product and the company, ensuring their sales would not drop as a result of an unethical advertisement. Consumers As the study focuses on customer perception regarding ethical and unethical advertisements, the customers will be able to watch TV advertisements without feeling uneasy and embarrassed and they wouldn’t become offended regarding controversial advertisements Further as the production of unethical advertisements diminishes due to the awareness created among the advertising firms through the study and the consumer would be able to grasp the exact message which the company wishes to deliver to the customers when the advertisement is devoid of unethical content. The study will provide an opportunity for the customers to express their views on ethical and unethical TV advertisements. Advertising firms As the study provides details regarding the factors that should be considered when producing TV advertisements for Sri Lankan audience, the advertisement firms will be benefited in terms of understanding the target audience and to be more responsible about the content of the advertisements. The study will specify on what is ethical and what is unethical in terms of customer perspective, which should be the main concern of the advertising firms. Through the provided recommendations the firms can improve the quality of their advertisements, meeting customer expectations which will enable them to serve the society better. 1.6 SCOPE AND THE LIMITATIONS OF THE STDY. Limitation associated with this study begins with the nature of sample, which are the working women in selected areas whose minimum educational level would be the completion of GCE (A/L) and the advertisements done by companies who are operating in the FMCG sector inSri Lankawithin the time period of 2007-2008. The above mentioned sample is selected based on following assumptions: As the society acceptance is more towards the working females, the data gathered through them would be more reliable. Minimum educational level is specified considering the fact that they are knowledgeable enough to distinguish what is ethical and unethical. Further the selected area would beColombomunicipal council and the time period is specified due to time limitation and ease of data gathering. The study is carried out considering only a group of customers which might cause biasness in the findings. Selection of TV as media of advertising and FMCG industry are limiting the study to one particular sector. CHAPTER 2 2.1LITERATURE â€Å"Ethics of advertising intends to ensure that advertisers and consumers co-exist without being harmed by the messages of advertisements.† Ethical advertising provides information regarding the product without harming any parties involved as well as people who watch.â€Å"Unethical advertising, by contrast, deceives consumers by concealing significant facts about a product or service.† Unethical do not satisfy the interests and expectations of the consumers (AcaDemon, 2008) 2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW Numbers of researches around the world have carried out research to find out if there exists a relationship between TV advertisements and the buying behavior. Implications for the Western World It is interesting to observe that TV advertisements have an impact on the Buying behaviors of the New Zealandcustomers. A group of researchers who carried out a research â€Å"to examine what influences perceptions of infomercial advertising effectiveness among a sample of actual infomercial buyers† (Martin et al, 2002), have found that the consumers included in the sample which was 2,670 customers who had bought one of six different products advertised within two weeks, has admitted that the infomercial advertisements (Appendix 1) had been effective in getting them to buy the product (Martin et al, 2002). Unlike most researchers, this group has identified a relationship between a demographic factor which is age and the buying behavior of the consumers. According to the findings of Martine et al, (2002) age impacted how consumers view infomercials, as did the product type purchased. Hypotheses Ho1 and Ha1 were developed according to the findings of this study. Barrio-Garcia Luque- Martinez (2003) who conducted a research inSpainhad focused on a different aspect of advertising. In contrast to the above mentioned group, this group has selected the comparative advertising in order to find out the relationship between TV advertisements and buying behavior of the consumers. The study was carried out on the objective of â€Å"to provide marketing professionals with a theoretical outline that will allow them to understand the persuasive mechanism that underlies comparative advertising effectiveness, helping them in their marketing decision-making processes† (Barrio-Garcia Luque- Martinez, 2003). Comparing to the above group, this group had identified a negative relationship between advertisements and buying behavior of the consumers. The findings of the study states that, â€Å"increase in comparative advertising intensity negatively affect towards the brands advertised and also purchase intensions† (Barrio-Garcia Luque- Martinez , 2003). In order to gather data, they have used relatively a small sample which consisted of 720 consumers selected from four geographical areas ofSpain. The finding of this study was utilized in order to develop Hypotheses Ho2 and Ha2. Petrovici Marinov (2007), two British researchers have also concentrated on how TV advertisements affect on buying behavior of the consumers. They have used a different approach to attempt the research objective which is â€Å"to explore the relationship between determinants and primary antecedents of advertising and attitudes to advertising in the context of European Union accession countries† (Petrovici Marinov, 2007). Even though the sample selected was small (797 respondents) comparing to New Zealand researches (sample of 2,670 respondents), this group has selected their sample from two different countries (Romania and Bulgaria) which helps to broaden their study further and their findings are more reliable as they have conducted face-to-face interviews with the respondents. It is proved that brand recognition and acquisition can be achieved through realistic, truthful and fair advertising (Petrovici Marinov, 2007). Hypotheses Ho3, Ha3 and Ho4, Ha4 were developed in rel ation to the findings of this study. Romani (2006) who conducted the research inItalyhas used different types of variables compared to other western researches to test the relationship between TV advertisements and buying behavior. The variables used in this study were, willingness to buy the advertised product, trustworthiness towards the source of information and completeness or clarity of price information contained in the advertisement. The researcher has used qualitative and experimental studies in order to identify the misleading price communication strategies and consumer response to those advertisements. The respondents sample were very small (480) compared to above mentioned studies which is a drawback of the study. The conclusions drawn from the study show that there is a negative relationship between price misleading advertisements and the customer’s willingness to buy and there is a positive relationship between trustworthiness towards the source of information. The objective of the study was to †Å"investigate consumers’ reactions to advertisements containing misleading information on price† (Romani, 2006). Development of hypotheses Ho5, Ha5 and Ho6, Ha6 were based on the findings of this study. Implications for Asian countries According to R.C. Earnest (2007), â€Å"Unintended audiences often view advertisements targeted at other groups and make decisions regarding the advertisement, brand and company behind the advertising which affect future consumer behavior†. The objective of the study was â€Å"to extend current knowledge on advertising effects on those not targeted by noting unintended consequences on attitudinal, emotional and behavioral reactions† R.C. Earnest (2007). A similar type of sample which Petrovici Marinov (2007), used in their study was utilized in order to gather data. Instead of selecting the sample from two countries, R.C. Earnest (2007) has selected the sample from two distinct ethnic groups (Malay and Chinese) inKuala Lumpur,Malaysia. A fair number of respondents (200 Chinese and 199 Malays) were selected from each group and data were gathered by means of a questionnaire which was based on fiction advertisements targeted at dominant and non- dominant ethnic groups inM alaysia. Hypotheses Ho7 and Ha7 were developed on the basis of findings of this study. Chan McNeal (2003) have concentrated on an atypical aspect of how TV advertisements influence on buying behavior of the consumers. They have emphasized on parent- child communications about consumption and advertising which distinguish their study from the others. Comparatively a large sample (1,665) of parents with children aged 6 to 14 were selected from 3 cities inChinaand a questionnaire is being distributed in order to gather data. Out of all the findings of their study most relevant finding to the current study is that, pluralistic and consensual parents take their children’s opinions about advertisements in to consideration when consuming certain products. Implications for neighbor country A study conducted by Fam Grosh (2007) has derived an interesting finding from the data they gathered using 1,000 urban young adults. Even the sample selected was relatively low compared to theMartin et al’s, (2002) study, the sample was drawn from five Asian countries includingIndia. The method that they have used to gather data was telephone interviews which distinguish this study from the above mentioned studies. The respondents were questioned on their thoughts about the TV advertisements that they liked, product that was being advertised and purchase intensions. The objective of the study was â€Å"to examine likeable executional techniques in advertising across five Asian countries and their impact on purchase intension† (Fam Grosh, 2007). The researchers found that unlike in the all other four countries India is the only country where the respondents’ react for the likeable executional tools and likeable attributes such as soft sell and relevant to me, ha s positively affected the respondents’ decision to buy more of a product/ brand after they exposure to the advertisement (Fam Grosh, 2007). Further most interesting finding of the study is that unlike in other countries Indian customers have responded negatively to advertisements in which children misbehave. Hypotheses Ho8 and 8were constructed with relevant to the findings of this study. Above discussed literature illustrates that advertisements have a significant impact on consumer buying behavior. CHAPTER 3 3.1 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The following variables are derived from the literature provided in chapter 2. Independent Variables Dependent Variables 3.2 HYPOTHESES Ho1: There is no relationship between infomercial advertisements and buying behavior. Ha1: There is a relationship between infomercial advertisements and buying behavior. Ho2: There is no relationship between Comparative Advertisements and buying behavior. Ha2: There is a relationship between Comparative Advertisements and buying behavior. Ho3: There is no relationship between Realistic Advertisements and buying behavior. Ha3: There is a relationship between Realistic Advertisements and buying behavior. Ho4: There is a negative relationship between Truthfulness of the information provided and thebuying behavior. Ha4: There is a positive relationship between Truthfulness of the information provided and thebuying behavior. H05: There is no relationship between Trustworthiness of the source and buying behavior. Ha5: There is a relationship between Trustworthiness of the source and buying behavior. Ho6: There is no relationship between Price misleading advertisements and buying behavior. Ha6: There is a relationship between Price misleading advertisements and buying behavior Ho7: There is a negative relationship between ethnically targeted advertisements and buying behavior. Ha7: There is a positive relationship between ethnically targeted advertisements and buying behavior. Ho8: There is a negative relationship between Children misbehaved advertisements and buying behavior. Ha8: There is a positive relationship between Children misbehaved advertisements and buying behavior. 3.3 METHODOLOGY Population, sampling and statistical approach will be discussed under this topic. 3.4 POPULATION AND SAMPLE. Selected population for in order to gather data is working women inColombodistrict with a minimum education level of G.C.E (A/L). Below diagram elaborates the selection of sample. The sampling method adapted is a proportionate probability area sampling technique. Where the selected sample of individuals was chosen based on their geographical location (Colombo District) and were further chosen based on if they were employed and had completed the G.C.E (A/L). Since the sample is larger than 35, hence, this can be categorized as a parametric test. Note: – 16.7% is the whole Female, employed and above G.C.E (A/L) rate 19,886,000 is the whole Sri Lankan population 2,421,000 is the wholeColombodistrict population 647,100 is the whole population ofColombomunicipal council 210,546 is the whole population of Dehiwala municipal council 117,563 is the whole population of Moratuwa municipal council 116366 is the whole population of Sri Jayewardenepura municipal council 3.5 STATISTICAL APPROCH According to the table provided in the Appendix 1, multiple regression analysis should be used to analyze data. Further Martine et al. (2002) also have used the multiple regression method to analyze data in their study. In order to gather data five point Likert scale would be adapted as previous researches, Chan McNeal (2003) and Martin et al (2002) have also used the same scale to gather data. CHAPTER 4 4.1 CONCLUSION The proposed study analyzes the impact of ethical and unethical TV advertisements on buying behavior of the consumers in FMCG industry inSri Lanka. Further the study analyses the relationship of how different types of TV advertisements affect on the buying behavior of the consumers using a sample of 104 working women inColombodistrict who have completed A/L examination. Literature review of the current study provides sufficient evidence of past researches which have discussed the similar relationships between the variables selected. Further the study enables the marketers to understand the customer well and as a result they will be able to fulfill consumer expectations through their advertisements. References Chan et al. 2007, ‘Consumers response to offensive advertising: a cross cultural study’, International Marketing Review, vol.24, no.5, pp.606-628. R.C. Earnest 2007, ‘Ethnically targeted advertising views of those not targeted’, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing, vol.19, no.3, pp.265-285. Martin et al. 2002, ‘Infomercials and advertising effectiveness: an empirical study’, Journal of consumer marketing, vol.19, no.6, pp.468-480. Barrio-Garcia Luque- Martinez 2003, ‘Modeling consumer response to differing levels of comparative advertising’, European Journal of Marketing, vol.37, no.1/2, pp.256-274. Petrovici Marinov 2007, ‘Determinants and antecedents of general attitudes towards advertising’, European Journal of Marketing, vol.41, no.3/4, pp.307-326. Romani 2006, ‘Price misleading advertising: effects on trustworthiness toward the source of information and willingness to buy’, Journal of product and brand management, vol.15, no.2, pp.130-138. Chan McNeal 2003, ‘Parent-child communications about consumption and advertising in China’, Journal of consumer marketing, vol.20, no.4, pp.317-334. Fam Grosh 2007, ‘Cultural values and effective executional techniques in advertising’, International Marketing Review, vol.24, no.5, pp.519-638. City population 2008, Sri Lanka , [Online], Available: [Accessed 3rd December 2008] Department of Census statistics 2006, Bulletin of Labor Force Statistics, [Online], Available: [Accessed 3rd December 2008] AcaDemon 2008, ‘Papers on Ethical Advertising and similar term paper topics’, [Online], Available: [Accessed 10th December 2008] Appendix (Statistical Approach) INDEPENDENT VARIABLE DATA TYPEDEPENDENT VARIABLE DATA TYPE:Buying behaviorSELECTED STATISTICAL METHOD INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 1:Infomercial advertisementsIntervalInterval Multiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE2:Comparative advertisementsInterval IntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE3:Realistic advertisements IntervalIntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE4:Truthfulness of the information providedIntervalIntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 5:Trustworthiness of the source IntervalIntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 6:Price misleading advertisements. IntervalIntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 7: Ethnically targeted advertisements IntervalIntervalMultiple Regression INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 8: Children’s misbehave advertisements IntervalIntervalMultiple Regression Appendix 2 (Operationalisation) Types of variables Measurement Questions/ Description Type of Data Independent Variables Infomercial advertisementsLikert ScaleI feel that infomercial advertisements make me buy the product compared to other advertisements.Interval Comparative advertisementsLikert ScaleComparative advertisements annoy meInterval Realistic AdvertisementsLikert ScaleI feel that realistic advertisements convince me more to buy the advertised product.Interval Truthfulness of the information provided in the advertisementsLikert ScaleI tend to purchase the product if the advertised information is trustworthy.Interval Trustworthiness of the sourceLikert ScaleI believe that TV advertisements are more reliable than other sources.Interval Price misleading advertisementsLikert ScalePrice misleading advertisements makes me reconsider when buying the relevant product.Interval Ethnically target advertisementsLikert ScaleAdvertisements targeting an ethnic group discourage me to purchase the product.Interval Children misbehave in advertisementsLikert ScaleI reject buying products that are advertised using children’s misbehaviour.Interval Dependant Variable Buying BehaviourLikert ScaleTelevision advertisements encourage me to buy the relevant products.Interval

The Art of Skill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Art of Skill - Essay Example The camera claimed supreme ability to recreate reality, and accordingly art took different direction. Taking cues from Duchamp and Warhol, the artist Jeffrey Koons developed a style of art that was completely unreliant upon personal skill and instead relied upon reproduction and appropriation. Several reasons for the devaluing of skill in art include the rise of such artists as Koons who intentionally create art that is made without skill. Beech also states that contemporary art itself is involved in taking skills way from artists. While Beech does not view Koons in such a way of devaluing skills, I wish to argue to the contrary in part of my overall argument. Beyond Beech’s argument, I would also like to state that it is part the mass production of various artists in universities that is devaluing skill to an extent. In discussing an exhibit by Jeffrey Koons, the reviewer Lynne Cooke notes that Koons sculptures were â€Å"executed by highly skilled craftsmen in small factories in Italy working, under the supervision of the artist, to two dimensional images which Koons provided as models† (246). Notice that the reviewer states that the craftsmen were â€Å"highly skilled.† This is interesting to note, especially when considering that an artist can achieve fame without being able to create the artwork himself. The people who actually put the physical labor into creating the pieces were simply called craftsmen. In considering this, we can see how actual skill in art is held at no value. The people with the skill who were involved with the project were not artists. They simply handled the technical aspects of the creation of the pieces. Ideologically speaking, it is not necessary in any way for the artist to be skilled in any way in order to be successful. Perhaps it is because Koons i s unskilled that he is has the success to the extent that he does. Koons is by far one of the most

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Field Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Field Study - Essay Example At the same time, students that have no difficulties with sleep may further illustrate those areas in which behavior patterns might be changed to facilitate adequate sleep. To determine the current state of sleep levels among college students and the contributing causes, I devised a survey intended to explore the issue. Questions on the survey pertaining directly to sleep included ‘how many times do you take a nap each week?’, ‘how long does it usually take you to fall asleep?’, ‘how many times do you wake up during the night?’, ‘why do you wake up during the night?’ and ‘how many hours of sleep do you normally get each night?’ Questions pertaining to causes included ‘do you exercise regularly?’, ‘what do you drink most everyday?’, ‘have you been diagnosed with a sleep disorder?’, ‘what is your number 1 cause of short-term sleeping disorders?’ and ‘how are you treating your sleep disorder?’ The survey was conducted by randomly selecting 15 students between the ages of 18 and 23 (7 boys and 8 girls) from a psychology class wh o volunteered to complete the survey. There were five questions on the survey that related directly to the sleep experienced by the respondent. Five of the respondents said they didn’t nap during the week and none of them said they took four or more naps per week. However, the remaining ten respondents indicated they did nap at least once during the week (4 took one nap per week, 4 took two naps per week and the remaining 2 took three naps per week). Only two of the respondents indicated they fell asleep easily, within the first five minutes of lying down. Five of the respondents said they fell asleep 5-15 minutes after lying down while another three said it took them at least half an hour to go to sleep. The remaining five respondents said it took them more than 30 minutes to get to sleep. Most of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Assignment about ethics 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

About ethics 5 - Assignment Example The bank was unable to garner sufficient funds from its retail arm through deposits to show sufficient growth on the balance sheet. As a result, the Northern Rock started depending on easily available short-term wholesale market funds to boost its growth. Northern Rock started issuing and selling notes that offered the buyer the right on the capital of the loan portfolio. New loans were bundled and the prevalent accounts were sold through asset-supported securities (Liikanen, 2012). Nothing happened all of a sudden, as by 1995 the worth of capital with the bank had begun deteriorating sharply. In 2005, debt of lower value released in 2001 was equalled to equity. It reduced the margins over the debt value greatly. The bank was not getting better margins from traditional market but it could not control the tightly defined leverage from bursting to a factor of 90 and more (Liikanen, 2012). The Northern Rock announced insolvency on September 13, 2007, asking help from the Bank of England (BoE). Immediate effect of this declaration happened on the bank retail segment customers who had deposited money in various personal accounts. These account holders had lost faith in the capability of the bank to pay back their deposits and the very next day there were long lines of customers in all branches of the Northern Rock to withdraw their funds from the bank. ... Bankruptcy of Northern Rock was due to stepping back from their credit lines by the institutional short-term investors of the Northern Rock. Before the announcement of insolvency, withdrawing back of the short-term institutional investors was a grave issue for the bank before 14 September. The real set back to the bank was faced in the wholesale market when the news broke out that the Northern Rock was arranging money largely from the short-term wholesale funding, which it settled at the time of credit maturity (Liikanen, 2012). Inter-banking problem of Northern Rock and other financial organizations largely stemmed from the deficiency of trust among banks and the inter-banking market. Generally, inter-banking market is always brimming with funds across the world but liquidity just vanished from the market. Retail depositors’ rushing to the bank branches for withdrawing money happened at a time when crisis at the Northern Rock had occurred. Amazing thing was that during the di fficult time of cash shortage crisis, the retail segment of the bank business was shown as the major revenue stream of the Northern Rock. In the end with the huge downward plunge in the share price of Northern Rock from ?12.50 in January 2007 to below ?1 at close of the year 2007, the bank was taken over on 17 February 2008 (Liikanen, 2012). The crisis of the Northern Rock was managed with the financial aid given to it by the Bank of England. After nationalization, all its debts and losses were borne by the government. Certain clarity emerges behind the cause of crisis or failure of the Northern Rock, which is significant to mention to remove ambiguity over its failure. The Northern Rock banking business model failed not because of its borrowers, nor a long line of customers waiting

Friday, July 26, 2019

Thunder Heart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Thunder Heart - Essay Example Graham Greene, a tribal police officer, challenges the roots and attitudes of the FBI agent. The story in the film revolves around Ray Levoi, an FBI agent of mixed blood venturing in South Dakota to investigate a murder case (Edwards 22). In the process, Ray finds his Indian identity. While on his mission to solve a murder case, Ray discovers that it was an extra-judicial killing because of a scheme surrounding the mining of uranium. Henceforth, he teams up with Walter Crow Horse, a tribal police officer, and Grandpa Sam Reaches, a traditional elder. The three unite with aim of stopping the plot and conserving the environment. Throughout the film, various depictions of Native Americans take place. The depiction is a fundamental difference from the presentation by other films produced before Thunder Heart. The director sets the film in contemporary times as opposed to most films set in a changeless Indian past. Native actors also play roles designated for them with the exception of the starring character. It adds to the revelation identity in Thunder Heart. The producer uses Grandpa Reaches, Crow, Jimmy Looks Twice, and Maggie Eagle Bear to strengthen the manifestation of the Indian Identity. All the characters show substance in revealing the identity of Native Americans (Indians) in the American society. Generally, the producer and director succeed in depicting Native Americans as dynamic and complex entities. With all the humour shown by characters, they still possess familiar stereotypes associated with Indians. The film displays the relationship between Indians and whites in the US society in an exceptional manner. In so doing, Thunderheart makes the main character half-white and half Indian (Edward 19). The protagonist lives his entire life in a white-dominated society, goes on a job mission in his ancestral land (land of birth for his ancestors), and discovers his identity while on duty.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reduce External Costs, Improve Products and People's Lives Assignment

Reduce External Costs, Improve Products and People's Lives - Assignment Example Aircon used to consume huge electricity but was minimize by inverter technology. The technology can be used in electric stove to minimize its energy consumption. b. Standardized induction technology – induction cookers are now being introduced in the market where electromagnet to heat iron or steel cookware (Severson). It is still however a little expensive but when demand increases, the product can be produced in scale driving the cost down both in terms of unit cost and energy consumption. c. Prolong product lifecycle – simply put, product lifecycle is the lifespan of the product. Product cost can be defrayed when the product cycle is prolonged because its cost is spread over the years of its use. When these three proposals are introduced into an electric stove, the energy consumption will be significantly lowered and the product will also last longer making a lesser ecological footprint. The product cost may be increase a little but this can be easily defrayed by its lower energy cost. Severson, Kim. "Is Induction Cooking Ready to Go Mainstream?."Â  The New York Times. The New York Times, 6 Apr. 2010. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The topic is added to the personalised control panel Essay

The topic is added to the personalised control panel - Essay Example This period in the history of America, during which the practice of bootlegging soared to popularity, is effectively represented in the book The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald. The book helped in effectively portraying the culture that was rampant during that period in history, where people resorted to various illegal activities and which was highly representative of a gradual moral degradation of the American society. The moral decline is depicted by Fitzgerald by the three central characters of the book namely Gatsby, Daisy and Tom. This paper seeks to explore and discuss the concept of bootlegging and its relationship with The Great Gatsby. The concept of Bootlegging is used in reference with the illegal trafficking of liquor in the United States during the early 1920s. The expression Bootlegging was formerly used to illustrate the practice of hiding the containers of illegitimate liquor in boot tops while executing trade deals with the Indians. The concept gained widespread popularity in the 1920s after the consumption; manufacturing or sale of liquor was prohibited by passing of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. Formerly, the bootleggers smuggled imported liquor from the neighboring countries such as Mexico and Canada through ships which were anchored in international waters while various other types such as medicinal whiskey, denatured alcohol, corn liquor were eventually added as part of the trade. The prohibition and the subsequent smuggling of liquor ultimately contributed to the rise of organized – crime groups which managed all the activities associated with purchase, manufacture and sale of illega l liquor in various places of public gatherings such as restaurants and public halls1. Bootlegging became immensely popular and widespread after the eighteenth amendment was added to the Constitution in January 1920, which prohibited the manufacture, transportation, import / export, and sale of intoxicating drinks across the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

MGMT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

MGMT - Essay Example This leadership style entails implementing new ideas, with the leaders as the best example of such new idea adoption. The training on this type of leadership should be introduced to the leaders of the company within the first 4 months, after which the phase of implementation of the new leadership style follows in the next 8 months. To address the challenge of change resistance by the leaders of the company, a performance-based evaluation should be introduced in the organization within the first 6 months of new company leadership, where the leaders failing to address the required changes in their areas are replaced with others. To motivate the company employees, while attracting and retaining more talented employee, an employee motivation program should be established in the organization, within a duration of 4 months of the new CEO joining the company. The motivation program should entail cash rewards, training and development as well as promotion of the employees whose performance and exceeds the set targets (Phillips, 1847). In addressing the challenge of reduced profits for the company, a change in the type of products manufactured by the company should be introduced, where the products that are not profitable are scrapped off and replaced with the newly developed products, generated by the R & D department of the organization (Phillips, 193). Facing off the old and non-profitable products and their replacement with new products should be implemented within the first 12 months of the introduction of new leadership. Additionally, strategies for minimizing the costs of production should be sought, with the COO leading a team of researchers to investigate the appropriate production systems and processes that should be installed to reduce costs (Phillips, 188). The whole process of investigating and installing the new systems should be implemented by the end of one year of

John Calvin and the Protestant Reformation Essay Example for Free

John Calvin and the Protestant Reformation Essay This paper is devoted to the period of Protestant Reformation in France and the key figure of this process- John Calvin. John Calvin was a Protestant theologian and the developer of the famous Calvinism theology as a system of Christian church. He is well known for his written works and his teachings, but not many know about his role played in Michael Servetus’s execution. These and some other issues will be discussed in this research. John Calvin was born under the name of Jean Chauvin in Picardie, in France. His father sent him to Paris in 1523 to get ready for the priesthood. There Calvin studied in College de la Marche and then in College de Montaigu till 1528. As he was doing quite well in ecclesiastics, he gained the chaplaincy and the curacy of Saint Martin de Martheville from his native city (Tracy, 1999). In 1529 Calvin resigned chaplaincy for the benefit of his younger brother, but however two years later he resumed and was holding it till 1534 (Gordon, 2002). Calvin proved to be a good student, but his father, who by the year 1528 had problems in relations with the ecclesiastic authorities in Noyon, took a decision, that his son should study law instead. John didn’t argue and went to Orleans, to study law at the university there. In a year he moved to another university and took classes of Andrea Alciati. During his studies at both universities Calvin was very much under the impact of Melchior Wolmar, who was a leader of humanist ranks and was a supporter of Reformation ideas. When in 1531 the father of Calvin died, he had to come back to Paris and take up study of Hebrew. In 1532 John spent another year in Orleans as a student of law again. In spring of the same year he paid his own money for publishing the text of Seneca’s De Clementia, adding his commentary. This was a confirmation of his humanistic views in connection with the Roman Church. At the same time the ideas of Reformation were rapidly spread in France, Calvin however was moving step by step to his position, he wrote in his commentary to Psalms that he â€Å"was too obstinately devoted to the superstitions of popery to be easily extricated from so profound an abyss of mire. (Barth, 1995). One of his friends, who also shared the ideas of Reformation, was Nicolas Cop. When he became the rector of Paris University, they decided to use the chance to present their comments concerning the Reformation in front of cultured and intelligent audience. In November 1533 Cop held a speech in the Church of the Mathurins, which they gave the title â€Å"Christian Philosophy†, meaning the Gospel. The relation, he built between Law and Gospel, was closely connected to the ideas of Luther. The final part of the speech was however independent and more concentrated on the one of the features of Calvinism, namely – salvation. The speech had all chances to produce a vivid impression on the audience and to attract supporters, but Cop spoke negatively about the hierologists of Sorbonne and called them â€Å"sophists†. This certainly caused their indignation, they sought for support from the government, and Cop had to escape. Calvin followed him due to their known close relation, but risked to return very soon. He couldn’t get rid of his fears, that his support of Reformation ideas could be followed by imprisonment, like it was the case with some other reformers. He decided to become a wanderer in 1534, all the time changing his name. Two and a half years he was going from place to place, was imprisoned in Noyon, visited Paris, where he met Servetus for the first time. In Orleans he published his Psychopannychia, confutation of the theory about sleeping soul between death and the Last Judgment (Gordon, 2002). In 1535 Calvin visited Strasburg under the name of Basel. There he finished his Institutes of the Christian Religion, about the book he wrote: My objects were, first, to vindicate my brethren whose death was precious in the sight of the Lord; and next that, as the same cruelties might very soon after be exercised against many unhappy individuals, foreign nations might be touched with at least some compassion toward them and solicitude about them. † (Barth, 1995). After he had published this work, he worked in Ferrara in the court of Duchess Renee. A year later he met his younger brother Antoine and his half-sister Marie in Paris. He traveled with them to Strasburg, but because of the war, had to go to Geneva, planning to remain only one night there. But Farel Guillaume, one of the like-minded persons, convinced him to stay there. Two years he spent at the side of Farel, but still the city could not stand the significant reforms offered by the Reformers and on Easter Monday in 1538 they both were ordered to leave the city. Calvin traveled to Strasburg, where he became minister to the French refugees in the Church of St. Nicolas (Brady, 1994). Two years later he married Idelette de Bure, widow of Jean Stordeur of Liege, an Anabaptist, whom Calvin managed to turn into pedobabtist. They had a son, who lived only several days. Idelette de Bure died in 1549 and Calvin never married for the second time. Calvin didn’t have the plans to return to Geneva as his financial situation was rather poor at that moment, but very soon he got the opportunity to improve his position. In Strasburg he managed to practice the reform, which he could not launch in Geneva, and his fame started to grow very quickly. He received an offer to come out with a course of cathedral lectures. In 1539 Cardinal Jacopo Sadoleto sent a letter to Geneva, asking for it to be returned to Roman obedience and Bern government gave the right to answer to Calvin. There were serious changes in the government of Geneva, and as a result the friends if Calvin won the power in the city. For the second time Calvin followed the arguments of Farel and went to Geneva. He knew perfectly, that there were a lot of his enemies, and that not everybody was ready to support him, but his faith in God was his major support. The government prepared a house for him and a corresponding salary. His work in Geneva started, the city turned into his main, but not the only one, center of activity. Geneva was a place, that gathered a lot of refugees from Holland, Italy, England, Spain, who were ready to listen and to support the ideas of Calvin. Also a number of students visited his lectures. His fame was growing, and more and more people were standing by him. At the age of fifty-five he died because of a disease. For Geneva he left one hundred and seventy dollar, faith, education and reconstructed government. Calvin chose Apostle’s Creed as the basis for his ideas, at the same time closely relating theology and ethics. Calvin’s reformation was practical, with the strongest emphasis on the doctrine of predestination; he tried to teach people of the city to refer to it as a cornerstone of the Christian faith. Opposed to lenient views concerning grace and sin, propagated by the Roman Church, the Augustinian doctrine recovered in his words. Calvin did his best to change the face of Protestantism, as he managed to address openly and directly the matters, which other reformers didn’t know or didn’t want to discuss (Brady, 1994). His main target was the proper organization of the church governance and social organization of the church in the city. He was said to be the first politic leader, who was able to build the social organization based on biblical principles. He brought very significant innovation, namely by incorporating church into the government of the city (Cameron, 1991). In the middle of 1550s the structure of Geneva was changed completely in accordance to Calvin’s ideas. As a result Geneva became the most important center of Protestantism in Europe and attracted the persecuted refugees from other countries. The branch of Calvin’s reforms became the prevalent branch of Protestantism from the seventeenth century. Calvin had the same problems as Luther with Anabaptists. On the 16-17 of March in 1537 he had a public meeting with them, and using his strong argumentation disposed of their ideas, as confirmed by Council of Two Hundred. Along with a great number of supporters Calvin had his opponents as well. Calvin played a very important role in the execution of Michael Servetus – â€Å"the Spanish physician, radical reformer (Anabaptist), and unitarian. † (Gordon, 2002). In 1531 Servetus published his ideas denouncing the Trinity, which was the key doctrine Catholics and Protestants could agree about. Three years later Calvin agreed to meet Servetus in person in Paris, Servetus however didn’t appear. From 1546 till 1548 they exchanged letters, trying to convince each other, but finally Calvin had to stop the correspondence, as it was growing more and more rancorous. In 1553 Servetus was sentenced to death in absentia by Inquisition in Spain for spreading heresy. Calvin provided very important evidences to support the conviction. Servetus escaped from the prison, but was again arrested in Geneva on the initiative of Calvin. This time he was sentenced to burning on a stake, which took place in 1553. Then Servetus was buried together with the copy of his last work De Trinitatis Erroribus. Servetus was the only one, who was sentenced to death for his religious beliefs during the lifetime of Calvin, and there is finally no agreement about the correctness of Calvin’s actions concerning this issue. Hundreds of years later modern Calvinists do not support the actions of Calvin towards Servetus. Nowadays persecution, and what is more death sentence for religious beliefs and positions, seems to be barbarous. Calvin was certainly not the only reformer. The ideas of Calvin and Farel were really close, but Farel was a missionary, a preacher and not theologian or even less a statesman. Calvin, being French would probably not be able to spread his influence so successfully either in Zurich or in Wittenberg, as Zwingli and Luther did it. Calvin was much younger than Luther and Zwingli and had an advantage of having a good foundation for spreading his ideas. He managed to build a system based on their new ideas. He proved to be better organizer and better thinker, at the same time lacking their genius and activity. His life was not as dramatic as those of Luther or Zwingli; he didn’t possess that genial humor or was able to raise popular enthusiasm. And still he remained the most influential Reformer of the Protestant Church. References: Barth, K. (1995). The Theology of John Calvin, tr. by G. W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans. Brady, T. (1994). Handbook of European History, 1400–1600: Late Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation. Leiden and New York. Breen, Q. (1968). John Calvin: A Study in French Humanism. Cameron, E. (1991). The European Reformation. Oxford and New York. Gordon, B. (2002). The Swiss Reformation. Manchester, U. K. , and New York. Tracy, J. (1999). Europes Reformations, 1450–1650. Lanham, Md.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Statistics Coursework Plan Essay Example for Free

Statistics Coursework Plan Essay In this project, I will be investigating how accurately students can estimate an angle size and the length of a line. I am investigating it to see if age, gender and mathematical capabilities have an effect on how accurate students can estimate a length of a line and an angle size. I will be using secondary raw data which is given to me to my teacher who has collected the data from other students. The accuracy of the data is unknown and also human errors are also likely Outliers and anomalies distort the mean of the data taking it to either of the two extremes. To avoid any Outliers or anomalies affecting the accuracy of this study, I will remove them before taking the sample size of around 80-100 students and I will be using stratified sampling so each category categorized by gender, age and maths set have a equal proportion in the sample as in the total population so the results are as accurate as possible. Any outliers which I may have missed can be eliminated by using the formula – Q1-(1.5)*(IQR) or Q3+(1.5)*(IQR). The three hypotheses I will be investigating will be: Boys estimate the lengths of a line and angle sizes better than girls. – I will be investigating this as boys tend to partake in activities which involve measuring more than girls and so are better than girls at estimating lengths of a line and angle sizes. Year 8 students estimate the angle sizes and lengths of a line better than Year 10 students. – I will be investigating this because Year 8’s may not have the pressure of other subjects yet as they do not have any real exams however Year 10 students may have been preoccupied with other thoughts and so are less accurate at estimating the lengths of a line and angle sizes. Students who are better at estimating the lengths of a line are also good at estimating the angle sizes. – I will be investigating this as students who are good at estimating one are likely to be better at estimating the other as they have good estimation and measuring skills.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Enterprise Rent A Car Recruitment and Selection

Enterprise Rent A Car Recruitment and Selection In present business world, organization always tries to reduce their cost and maximize their profit. In this point of view Enterprise rent A-car are not different, they always try to use modern technique in their recruitment, it was founded in 1957 by jack Taylor in St. Luis in the USA. At present it is the largest car rental business in the world today with more than 7500 offices in the USA and more than 850 in Canada, Puerto Rico, the UK , Germany and Ireland. In 2007, organization had more than 700000 rental cars in use, employing over 60000 people with an annual turnover of over  £ 4.6 billion Human Resource Management at Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Human Resource Management does the hiring, training, and developing staffs and where necessary to discipline or dismiss them. Enterprise Rent-A-Car gives extensive training and development program to its employees within the company. This reduces the need for external recruitment and makes maximum use of existing talent. This is a cost-effective way for a business to manage its people. The HRM function not only manages existing staff, it also plans for changes that will affect its future staffing needs. This is known as workforce planning. For example: †¢ the business may grow into new markets, such as Enterprise moving into truck rental †¢ it may use new technology which requires new skills e.g. global positioning equipment †¢ staff may retire or be promoted, leaving gaps which need to be filled. There may also be external changes in the labour market, meaning that there will be fewer skills available or too many in a particular area. HRM monitors all of these things in planning recruitment strategy. This places the HRM function in a central role in the business because all managers use this expertise to acquire staff. Demand and Supply forecast: Every year Enterprise Rent-A-Car requires a higher volume of employee recruitment. Over 65000 people are currently working in Enterprise. With the diversification of the company in Canada, Puerto Rico, the UK, Germany and Ireland, there is a higher demand of the work force in Enterprise all the time. So, the company continuously look for the talented people to recruit. For that reason each year, Enterprise recruits an average of 1,000 staff into its graduate recruitment programme in the UK and Ireland. Recruitment Plan at Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Enterprise has a policy of promoting its managers from within its existing workforce. This means the business must recruit people with the potential to grow. Each year, Enterprise recruits an average of 1,000 staff into its graduate recruitment programme in the UK and Ireland. To achieve its aims and objectives, Enterprise needs staff who are motivated and who possess initiative and drive. Promoting managers and offering career opportunities from within the company has a positive affect on Enterprise. Employees remain happy, will stay longer and give their best. However, with growth and diversification there is always a need for external recruitment to provide new skills or increase the business capacity for expansion. Recruitment and Selection Method: In order to attract high quality candidates, Enterprise is raising the company profile within UK universities using Campus Brand Managers. These are students or interns who work for Enterprise and act as liaisons for potential applicants. Students can also visit Enterprise and spend time learning about how it does business and what opportunities it offers. Enterprises online recruitment process is an important part of its strategy. This improves the speed and efficiency of the application for both the company and the applicant. The website provides a registration function and lists available jobs. It also provides a lot of information about the Management Trainee role and the company culture and values. This allows applicants to get a good idea of whether Enterprise would suit them. Enterprise advertises its vacancies and opportunities across a wide range of media. This includes media such as newspapers, magazines and online. Selection is the process of identifying the best candidate for the role in question. This is important as the candidates who apply may not always have the correct set of skills and competencies required by the business. Enterprise seeks competencies in its recruits both for an immediate job role and also for development over the longer term to support the business growth. HR managers often use standard documentation in order to match job roles with personal qualities and skills. These include: †¢ the job description this summarises a job role within an organisation and lists the main tasks †¢ a person specification this highlights the characteristics a candidate needs for a post, as well as the desirable qualities the company is looking for. Enterprise combines the person specification within the job description by using a skills and competencies framework. Interview Panels and Types of Interviews: The Enterprise rent-car always tries to create best opportunity for their employee. †¢ To screen candidates, Enterprise recruitment managers compare the online application forms (which reflect candidates CVs) to the skills and competencies the role needs. †¢ Candidates then have an initial face-to-face interview with an Enterprise recruitment manager. †¢ This is followed by an interview with a branch manager. †¢ From this, selected candidates are invited to an assessment day. The assessment day is a standard part of the Enterprise recruitment process. Candidates take part in practical exercises, including role-play, as well as individual and group activities. Role-play is a valuable way of testing core skills like communication and customer service. Enterprise can assess a candidates performance by different methods and in different work related tasks. This makes the selection process fairer. Areas tested include customer service skills, flexibility, sales aptitude, work ethic, leadership and teamwork. The assessment day ends with another interview with a senior manager in order to make the final selection. Conclusion: In conclusion we can conclude that, human resource recruitment plan is very effective decision for any successful organization. Organization Recruitment plan are based on the organization demand and responsibility. Enterprise recruitment plan are always different than other similar organization, they always focus on young generation because their main goal is to provide best service for their customer.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

From my professional experience I have worked with different managers and supervisors. Most of who are academically sound and well experienced in the medical field. It is important for me to be able to differentiate between managing and leading, because these are two distinct ways of organizing people. Leadership is basically setting a new vision/ direction for the organization or group that they follow. On the other hand, management controls and direct people, resources in the organization according to the values, ethics and principles that has been established by that organization. From our previous readings I concluded that people make choices to naturally and willingly follow a leader for various reasons e.g. their charisma, personality and management style, whereas a manager gives directives and are obeyed due to the authority and power given to them. For these reasons, people more often become loyal towards leaders than managers. The leader I have chosen to talk about is the Director of Pediatric Department and I would consider her to be an effective leader and a manger. I hav...

Regulatory Issues of VoIP :: essays research papers

Regulatory issues of VoIP The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has worked to create an environment promoting competition and innovation to benefit consumers. Historically, the FCC has not regulated the Internet or the services provided over it. On February 12, 2004, the FCC found that an entirely Internet-based VoIP service was an unregulated information service. Currently, the FCC is not regulating VoIP, however there are still major concerns that need to be addressed. There are three main issues that are of the utmost importance to the telecommunications industry. The Tax Freedom act, E-911, and Calea are three most imperative issues concerning VoIP.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Internet Tax Freedom Act was authored by Rep. Christopher Cox and Sen. Ron Wyden, and signed into law on October 21, 1998 by President Bill Clinton. This law bars state and local governments from taxing Internet access service. In 2003 the House of Representatives approved bill H.R. 49, the â€Å"Internet Tax Non-Discrimination Act of 2003.† This bill would expand and make permanent a federally imposed â€Å"moratorium† on state and local taxation of sales of â€Å"Internet access† services. States and local governments would be permanently prohibited from charging sales taxes on the monthly service charge that households and businesses pay to be able to access the World Wide Web.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  VoIP rides a fine line between being a telephone service and an internet service. This is due to the fact that a call is initiated from a phone in an analog format, transmitted over the internet in a digital format and finally converted back to analog format typically across the same lines that traditional phones operate on. In addition many states rely on the taxes received from telephone service to run programs to low income areas. VoIP is seen as threat to these programs because taxes will not be imposed on this service due to current legislative language. Many opponents of the non-taxation of VoIP feel that exemption from taxation is not needed to spur investments in this type of telecommunication. They also feel it singles out one type of telecommunications service for favorable treatment, which will lead to other types of services asking for similar treatment at the expense of the state and local tax base. E-911 short for Enhanced 911, is a location technology that will enable phones to process 911 emergency calls and enable emergency services to locate the geographic position of the caller. When a person makes a 911 call using a traditional phone with ground wires, the call is routed to the nearest public safety answering point (PSAP) that then distributes the emergency call to the proper services.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Observations on Emersons Self-Reliance :: Emersons Self Reliance Essays

Observations on Self-Reliance "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles ." This quotation forms the closing two lines of Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Self Reliance". I am greatly enlightened by his ideas in this article. "Trust thyself" was his advice and many Americans listened. They not only listened in Emerson's lifetime, but his individualistic concepts have reverberated up to the present time. After reading the ideas expressed in "Self-Reliance", I have come to believe that self-reliance is the most important factor in my life. Emerson believes that a man should not be what he is not. "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide." If a man is envious of other people, he will ignore all merits of himself. If a man imitates other people, he will lose his identity - like suicide. It is common to find a woman like me envious of other people. I am jealous if a girl in the class is more beautiful than I. I am jealous if a classmate gets a higher score on tests. I am jealous if my neighbor has a better car. But as I always find out, when I praise the girl, people will say "you are beautiful, too"; when I praise the classmate, people will say "remember you got a higher score last time"; when I praise the car of the neighbor, people will say "he spent money that he did not have". There is always a "the better side" of myself, which I cannot see because it is hindered by my own jealousy. Imitation is the result of jealousy. When I was in high school, I tried to imitate a girl in my class because I thought she was pretty cool. I bought the same dress, the same shoes, had the same hair style, and tried to act the same way. After one month, I was considered the least cool person in the class. I did not get what I wanted, but instead, lost what I had already had. I was born in a Christian Chinese family in Beijing, China. Under the strict rules of my mother, I began learning piano and Kung-fu when I was six, and many other things other children did not learn. From then on, I was always told to be the best, and I always thought I was the best. Observations on Emerson's Self-Reliance :: Emerson's Self Reliance Essays Observations on Self-Reliance "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles ." This quotation forms the closing two lines of Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Self Reliance". I am greatly enlightened by his ideas in this article. "Trust thyself" was his advice and many Americans listened. They not only listened in Emerson's lifetime, but his individualistic concepts have reverberated up to the present time. After reading the ideas expressed in "Self-Reliance", I have come to believe that self-reliance is the most important factor in my life. Emerson believes that a man should not be what he is not. "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide." If a man is envious of other people, he will ignore all merits of himself. If a man imitates other people, he will lose his identity - like suicide. It is common to find a woman like me envious of other people. I am jealous if a girl in the class is more beautiful than I. I am jealous if a classmate gets a higher score on tests. I am jealous if my neighbor has a better car. But as I always find out, when I praise the girl, people will say "you are beautiful, too"; when I praise the classmate, people will say "remember you got a higher score last time"; when I praise the car of the neighbor, people will say "he spent money that he did not have". There is always a "the better side" of myself, which I cannot see because it is hindered by my own jealousy. Imitation is the result of jealousy. When I was in high school, I tried to imitate a girl in my class because I thought she was pretty cool. I bought the same dress, the same shoes, had the same hair style, and tried to act the same way. After one month, I was considered the least cool person in the class. I did not get what I wanted, but instead, lost what I had already had. I was born in a Christian Chinese family in Beijing, China. Under the strict rules of my mother, I began learning piano and Kung-fu when I was six, and many other things other children did not learn. From then on, I was always told to be the best, and I always thought I was the best.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hat Task Essay

The population as of 2011 was totaled to 608,453. The majority of this population consisted of people between the ages of 15 and 44 years old. Kent County consist of mostly white persons at 83. 8%. The next larges group consists of African Americans at 10. 3% and Hispanics at 9. 9%. The median household income is $50,801, with 14. 8% of the population being listed below poverty level. The unemployment rate is at 8. 52% (2011, US Census Bureau). It is reported by adults that 13. 6% have not accessed healthcare within the past 12 months. 10. % of adults reported they have no healthcare coverage. It was also discovered that the county only has 29% of what is needed in the dental care community(2011, Michigan Department of Community Health). The second assessment piece is labeled cultural assessment. Once again this was information I collected on a County level. In Kent County there are slightly more females than males, 51% versus 49% respectively. The populations consists predominately of white Christians, while the subgroup is Roman Catholics (2011, Kent County Health Department). Obesity was noted to be on the rise due to lack of physical activity and inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption. More specifically 31. 3% of adults are obese, and Michigan as a whole is the 5th most obese state in the US. 19. 7% of adults reported adequate physical activity with 23. 6% stating they lived a sedentary lifestyle within the past month, and 17. 8% report they consume fruits and vegetables at least 5 times a day (2011, Michigan Department of Health). African Americans voiced distrust among healthcare providers however they did support and agree for a universal healthcare system. Hispanics voiced concern for the lack of translation services due to language barriers and issues surrounding documented legal status and the difficulty this poses to accessing healthcare (2009, Michigan Department of Health). I discovered that in the area there are over 50 parks with various indoor and outdoor activities for all to enjoy. The third assessment piece is entitled neighborhood and community safety. This information was obtained from local agencies. I noted the Health Department and local hospitals are very involved in providing health services, education, and discussions for the community free of charge. The air quality for Kent County is considered poor. We have had at least 7 air pollution days per year due to fine particulate matter and ozone. The water quality in the last 5 years has been excellent. 0. 09% of public water supplies exceeded contamination levels during this time frame (2011, Kent County Health Department). The wild life in the area can cause a potential for disease, and the many surrounding lakes, rivers and streams can cause a potential for drowning. Due to the location of Kent County we risk potential severe weather events. The violent crime rate in the area was 0. 4% significantly lower than the national average. It was also noted that the local police and fire response is at or exceeds standards (2013, Kent County Sheriffs Department). The fourth assessment piece is the disaster assessment and planning status. This information was gathered on a City and County level. The disaster command is headed by the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security loca ted in Grand Rapids. They included the requirements of National Response Plan and NIMS. I discovered they are following all federal regulations by the Department of Homeland Security. 3 County, and other regional collaborations were noted in the planning. The Kent County area is at risk most for these natural disasters; severe winter weather, thunderstorms, tornados, riverine flood, and urban flood. The are is at risk most for these other disasters; electrical failures, communication failure, intentional acts, transportation accidents, and hazardous material. The city and county provide public education through CERT classes, brochures, and coordination with school districts to relay safety information at a young age (2011, Kent County Health Department). From the information obtained above I believe that Kent County Michigan is an overall healthy community. Areas for improvement would be to increase the access to dental care and healthcare for at risk and poor underserved families, to decrease the prevalence of obesity and ensure access to healthful foods, and to establish a plan to deal with language barriers for other populations living within West Michigan. This information that I have obtained and explained above is listed below in my community genogram. The genogram highlights the pertinent information in an easy to view graph with each assessment topic listed. It discusses once again the community as a whole from population and economic status, to the cultural assessment, to the neighborhood and community safety to lastly disaster assessment and planning. It provides an overview of the community as a whole, strengths and weaknesses. The community assessment is how I feel the community is and the areas that are at risk or I feel can be improved upon. Resources: 1. ) 2011. Kent County Michigan. US Census Bureau. Retrieved from http://www. uickfacts. census. gov/qfd/states/26/26081. html 2. 2013. Kent County Michigan. Kent County Health Department. Retrieved from http://www. accesskent. com/emergencymanagement. html 3. 2011. Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Survey. Michigan Department of Community Health. Retrieved from http://www. michigan. gov/brfs 4. 2009. Community Conversation Executive Summary. Michigan Department of Community He alth. Retrieved from http://www. michigan. gov/minorityhealth 5. 2013. Kent County Sheriffs Department. Retrieved from http://www. accesskent. com/lawenforcement/sherrif_emergency. htm

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Discuss Issues of Equality

Entitlement, equality, inclusivity, diversity and speciality. Basically, all of these atomic number 18 round acknowledging and respecting the individual of necessity of your assimilators, part and affirming where appropriate. (Gravells, A, 2008). Before whatsoever tidings it is essential for every 1 to understand the terms equation and Diversity. Diversity is defined as valuing the differences in people whether they stem from race, religion, gender, versed orientation, get on with or disability. Equality is offering individually person equal rights and opportunities despite any differences. Gravells, A, 2008). So Equality is about the rights of learners to succeed and participate regardless of their gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age. And Diversity is about valuing the differences that people halt and appreciating their individual characteristics. higher up all it is important as a teacher, keeping equality and diversity in be ar in mind, to find ship canal to resurrect cellular inclusion of all learners, yet through contrastingiation by using difference approaches and resources, to finds ways to set up the needfully of individuals within the group. specialism is one of the tools that teachers can use to promote equality and diversity. It is the accommodation of differences between learners to suspend each individual the best casualty of accomplishment. (Petty, 2004). This is could be done by adapting article of faith styles or resources so that all learners overhear equal opportunities. Referring back to the teacher / learn cycle, preparation and planning leave alone change us to best promote inclusion for all learners, and enable us to admission price a nonher(prenominal) points of referral if necessary.During the planning process, all learners should have an initial assessment for suitability and to make strengths and weaknesses. The need to potentially access other points of referral could appropriately be picked up in this initial assessment. Learners go forth be various(a) on the basis of many different backgrounds and needs. These may include encyclopaedism needs such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, Aspergers syndrome, socio frugal status, health both mental and physical, age, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, unearthly beliefs and size to name merely a few.Differentiation will enable the teacher to meet the needs of these individuals yet value their diversity. The main ways to differentiate are by Task, Outcome, Resource and Support. Different capers can be set for different people but with the same aim in mind allowing for their different needs and diversity. The same task can be set but a different outcome is pass judgment from individual learners. Different resources and different support can be provided for learners allowing for the individual needs of the whole class to be met.Group playact and buddying up can be utilise so that peers can support one another. Students with a learning disability will benefit from a scaffold to their last and the environment can be altered to help, by for example integrating learning support into classes. There may be a point at which it is assessed that a learners needs cannot be met adequately within the specific learning environment due to some of the above diversities. Here, it is appropriate to refer the learner so that their needs can be met.College counsellors, well-being officers and connexions advisors may be appropriate where it is deemed that the learners needs are not being met. To conclude my discussion, I will follow the words of Malcolm Knowles. As a learning organisation there is a need to understand the needs of our students. The major(ip) problems of our age deal with gentle dealings the solutions can only be put unitedly in education. Skill in human relations is a skill that essential be learned it is learned in the home, in the school, in the church, on the pipeline an d wherever people gather together in small groups. (Malcolm Knowles, 1950,13)